Terms of Use

This Agreement is made between Rinascimento Ltd., and any person who upon acceptance of the terms of this agreement becomes a user of the website available at rinascimento.ai (the "Website"),

hereinafter referred to as the "User", together referred to as the "Parties" and separately as the "Party".

This User Agreement is deemed to be an offer. The unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed to be the ticking of a "tick box" on the Website.

This Agreement, which is concluded by accepting this offer, does not require bilateral signing and is valid in electronic form.

1. Terms and definitions used in the Agreement

In the Agreement, unless otherwise expressly stated in the text of the Agreement, the following words and expressions will have the meanings given below

1.1. Website means a set of software and hardware for computers, providing publication of information and data for public display, united by a common purpose, through technical means, used for communication between computers on the Internet. The Website is located on the Internet at: rinascimento.ai.
1.2. The Company means Rinascimento Ltd.,

1.3. All works published on the Website, including design elements, text, graphic images, illustrations, videos, scripts, programs, music, sounds and other objects and collections thereof shall be deemed to be content. The Company is the owner of the exclusive rights to use the Website, including all of the Website content.

  1. 1.4.  User means a user of the Internet, in particular the Website, who has his personal page (profile/account).

  2. 1.5.  Profile/Account means a User's personal page on the Website, which is available to all the Users of the Website.

  3. 1.6.  Account information means a unique User name (login) and password for logging in to the Website, which are

specified by the User during registration on the Website.
1.7. Moderation - the review by the Company of information posted (or planned for posting - Pre-moderation) on the Website by the User for compliance with the provisions of this Agreement.

2. Subject matter of the Agreement

2.1 The Company renders to the User services on granting of access to services of the Website, thus an obligatory condition of rendering by the Company of services according to the present Agreement is acceptance, observance by the User and application to relations of the Parties of requirements and the provisions defined in the present Agreement.

2.2 The Company reserves the right to change the conditions of the present Agreement and all its integral parts without coordination with the User with notification of the latter by means of placing the new edition of the Agreement or any of its integral parts, which have undergone changes, at the Website. Taking into consideration that newsletters may be considered spam by the Parties, User undertakes to review the content of the Agreement posted on the Website at least once a month, in order to become acquainted with its amendments in a timely manner. New edition of the Agreement and/or any of its integral parts enters into force from the moment of its publication on the Website, if other term of entry into force of changes is not defined by the Company at their publication. The current version of the Agreement and all annexes thereto is always available on the Website for public access at: rinascimento.ai.

3. Rights and Duties of Company

3.1 The Company shall:

3.1.1 Provide to the User the services specified in clause 2.1 of this Agreement. Access to the Website shall be provided by assigning User's Account information within 1 (one) business day from the date of registration of the latter at rinascimento.ai.

3.1.2 Provide User with an opportunity to self-publish information about himself/herself. 3.1.3 Not to disclose the User's Account information to any third parties.

3.1.4 Provide round-the-clock availability of the server where the Website is located, except for the time of maintenance works.

3.2 The Company is entitled:

3.2.1 In case the User violates the terms of the Agreement, send the User a warning containing a list of violations. In case the User fails to eliminate infringements within one day from the moment of direction of the notice or repeatedly violates the specified conditions or other conditions, the Company has the right to unilaterally refuse performance of the Agreement, to block access of Users to the User's profile and to cancel the User's profile.

3.2.2. moderate in cases when the information posted by User promotes hatred and/or discrimination against people by racial, ethnic, gender, religion, social characteristics; promotes the use of drugs and other substances that are harmful to health; calls for inhumane treatment of animals; violates the rights of national and other minorities; contains calls to violent actions; violates the rights of authors and other owners of intellectual rights.

3.2.3. Dispose of statistic information, related to functioning of the Website, and Users' information, in order to provide targeted demonstration of advertising information to different audiences of Website Users.

3.2.4. Send Users information about the development of the Website and its services; send them email messages to inform them about activation codes, surveys about the Website's functioning, provide and request other information, as well as to advertise their own activities and services.

4. Rights and obligations of the User

4.1 The User shall:
4.1.1 Fully read the terms of this Agreement prior to registration on the Website.
4.1.2 To comply with all the terms of this Agreement.
4.1.3 Not to pass on information about other Users, obtained through the Website, to third parties. 4.1.4 Do not pass your Account information to third parties.

4.1.5. Do not post personal information about other persons on the Website, and do not use personal information about other Users in any way that does not comply with the legislation requirements, for illegal or unlawful purposes, for profit and any other purposes that do not comply with the Website purposes.

4.1.6. Not to post information and any other content (including links to them) in the Profile that may violate the rights and interests of other persons.

4.1.7 Not to register as a User on behalf of or instead of another person, or register a group (association) of persons or a legal entity/individual entrepreneur as a User.

4.1.8 Do not upload, store, publish, distribute any information that

contains threats, discredits, insults, defames honor and dignity or business reputation or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties;

  • violates the rights of minors;

  • is vulgar or obscene, contains obscene language, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature involving minors;

  • contains scenes of violence or inhumane treatment of animals;

  • contains a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit suicide;

  • advocates and/or promotes racial, religious, ethnic hatred or hostility, promotes fascism or ideology of racial superiority

  • contains extremist materials;

  • promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions or guidance on how to commit criminal acts;

  • contains restricted information, including, but not limited to, state and trade secrets, information about the privacy of third parties;

contains advertising or describes the attraction of using alcohol and/or drugs including "digital drugs" (sound files that affect the human brain by means of binaural rhythms), information on the distribution of drugs, recipes for their production and consumption advice;

  • is fraudulent in nature;

  • as well as violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or legal requirements.

    4.1.9. Not to use software and not to perform actions aimed at violation of normal operation of the Website and its services or personal pages of Users, not to download, store, publish, distribute and provide access or otherwise use viruses, Trojans and other malicious programs; not to use automated scripts (programs) for collecting information on the Website and (or) interaction with the Website and its services without special permission of the Company.

    4.1.10. Not to try to gain access to the username and password of another User, including, but not limited to, deception, hacking other Users' profiles, etc.

    4.2 User shall not:

    4.2.1 Unlawful collection and processing of personal data of other Users.

    4.2.2 Access any services in any other way than through the interface provided by the Company, except for cases when such actions are expressly allowed to the User in accordance with the separate agreement with the Company.

    4.2.3. Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade and resell services for any purpose, except where such actions have been expressly permitted to the User under the terms of a separate agreement with the Company.

    4.2.4. Placing commercial and political advertisements outside the special sections of the Website, established by the Company.

    4.2.5. Post any information, which, in the opinion of the Company is undesirable, infringes the interests of Users or for other reasons is undesirable for posting on the Website.

    4.3 Users is entitled:

    4.3.1 To get to the server on which the Website is deployed on a 24-hour basis, except for the time of maintenance works.

    4.3.2 Independently change the password without notifying the Company about it.
    4.3.3 Independently edit the previously posted information about yourself on the Website.
    4.3.4 Contact the support service to block his/her Profile (in the absence of active demo accesses and subscriptions).

    4.4 The User agrees that by accessing the Website and using its content, he:

    4.4.1. Expresses his or her unconditional agreement to all of the terms of this Agreement and undertakes to abide by them or cease using the Website.

    4.4.2. is granted personal non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the content of the Website on one computer, provided that neither the User nor any other person, with the assistance of the User, shall copy or modify the software; create programs derived from the software being a basis for the Website; penetrate into the software to obtain program codes; sell, assign, lease, transfer to third parties any other form of rights in respect of the software services provided by the Website.

    4.4.3 In order to implement this Agreement, Users give permission to the Company to use, store, process and distribute personal data in the way and to the extent necessary to fulfill the terms of this Agreement. The procedure for using, storing, processing and distribution of Users' personal data is posted on the Website at: rinascimento.ai. agrees to the transfer of personal and other data to third parties, including for the purposes of their processing, to ensure the operation of the Website, implementation of affiliate and other programs, provided that the regime in respect of the transferred data, similar to the regime that exists on the Website. Processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the Company`s Privacy Policy.

    5. User registration

    5.1 In order to use the services provided by the Company according to the present Agreement, the User shall pass

    the obligatory procedure of registration on the Website at the address rinascimento.ai. User registration on the Website is free and voluntary.

5.2 During registration on the Website the User shall provide the Company with the necessary accurate and up-to- date information to form a Profile, including a login (e-mail address) and password to access the Website and the cryptocurrency wallet, which is unique for each User. The registration form of the Website may request additional information from the User.

5.3 After providing the information specified in paragraph 5.2 of this Agreement, the User has to confirm the registration by expressing his desire by clicking on the consent button (check-box).

5.4 By clicking on the consent button the User confirms that he/she is not a citizen / resident of the following jurisdictions specified in the list on the attached link. He also confirms that he is an adult.

5.5 Upon completion of the registration process, the User becomes the owner of the User's Account information, which means that he is responsible for the security of the Account information, as well as for everything that will be done on the Website under the User's Account information. The User must immediately notify the Company of any case of unauthorized access to the Website, i.e., by a third party without the User's consent and knowledge and/or of any violation of security of the User's Account Information. The Company shall not be responsible for possible loss or damage of data, which may occur due to violation of provisions of this paragraph of the Agreement by the User.

5.6 To start interaction with the Website, the User shall enter his/her Account information in the relevant section of the Website.

6. Responsibilities of the Parties

6.1 The User independently defines the list of organizational and program means for preservation of confidentiality of the Account information and maintenance of the authorized access to it. The Company shall not bear responsibility for damages, caused to the User as a result of disclosure to the third parties of the User's Account information, which has occurred through no fault of the Company. If any person, other than the User, logs in to the Website using the User's Account Information, all actions taken by that person will be deemed to have been taken by that User. The User is solely responsible for all actions taken by him/her on the Website, as well as for all actions taken on the Website by any other person using the User's Account Information.

6.2. The Company does not guarantee that the software of the Website does not contain errors and/or computer viruses or extraneous code fragments. The Company shall enable the User to use the Website's software "as is" without any warranties on the part of the Company.

6.3. The Company does not bear the liability for damages, caused to the User as a result of the message by other User the false information, and also caused by actions (inactivity) other User. The Company shall not guarantee that the information contained in Profile is true and complete.

6.4. The Company takes all possible efforts for maintenance of normal working capacity of the Website, but is not responsible for non-performance or undue performance of obligations under the Agreement, and also possible losses arisen including, but not limited to, as a result

  • Illegal actions of Users aimed at violation of information security or normal functioning of the Website.

  • Malfunctioning of the Website, caused by code bugs, computer viruses and other foreign code fragments in the Website's software.

Absence (inability to establish, termination, etc.) of Internet connection between User's server and the Website's server.
conducting by state and municipal authorities and other organizations of the activities within the framework of the Website.
Establishment of state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) of commercial organizations' business activity in the Internet network and / or establishment of one-time limitations by the mentioned subjects, making it difficult or impossible to execute the Agreement.

other cases involving actions (omissions) of Users and / or other subjects aimed at degrading the overall situation with the use of Internet and / or computer equipment that existed at the moment of the Agreement, as well as any other actions aimed at the Website and third parties.
performance of maintenance works, specified in clauses 6.5 and 6.6 of the present Agreement.

6.5 The Company has the right to carry out preventive maintenance in software and hardware complex of the Website with temporary suspension of work of the Website as much as possible during night time and as much as possible reducing time of inoperability of the Website, having notified the User about it, if technically it is possible.

6.6 In case of force majeure circumstances, as well as accidents or failures in software and hardware complexes of the third parties integrated with the Website, or actions (inaction) of the third parties, directed on suspension or termination of functioning of the Website, suspension of the Website functioning is possible without preliminary notice of the User.

6.7 The Company does not bear liability for infringement by the User of these Terms and reserves the right to itself at its own discretion, and also at reception of the information from other users or the third parties about infringement by the User of these Terms to change (moderate) or to delete any information published by the User breaking prohibitions, established by these Terms (including personal messages), to suspend, limit or stop access of the User to all or to any of sections or services of the Website and Company reserves the right to delete the User's Profile and (or) suspend, limit or terminate the User's access to any of the Website's services if the Company discovers that, in its opinion, the User poses a threat to the Website and/or other Users. The Company shall not be deemed responsible for temporarily blocking or deleting information or deleting the User's personal page (registration termination) conducted according to these Terms. Deletion of the User's Profile means automatic deletion of all information posted on it, as well as all User information entered during registration on the Website. After deleting the User's Profile, the User loses its access rights to the Website.

6.8 Neither of the Parties shall be liable for full or partial non-performance of any of its obligations, if non-performance is a consequence of such circumstances as flood, fire, earthquake, other natural disasters, war or military actions and other force majeure circumstances, which occurred after conclusion of the Agreement and which are beyond the control of the Parties.

7. Dispute Resolution and Claims Settlement Procedure

7.1 In case of disputes between the User and the Company on the matters related to performance of the Agreement, the Parties shall take all measures to settle them by negotiations between themselves. The claim procedure of disputes resolution is obligatory. Claims of Users regarding provided Services are accepted and considered by the Company only in written form and according to the procedure, stipulated by the present Agreement.

7.2 The following claim procedure is applied for settling disputes, which have arisen between the User and the Company as a result of using the Website. The user, who considers, that his rights are broken because of Company`s actions, shall send the claim, containing an essence of the shown breach and demands, and also all data of the User. The claim is also sent to the Company in written form by sending it by mail or by fax;

- Within 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt of the claim, the Company shall state its position on the principal matters specified therein and send its response to the email address or postal address specified in the claim of the User;

- In case the dispute is not resolved through the claim procedure, it shall be subject to consideration in accordance with clause 7.4 of the Agreement;

- The Company shall not consider anonymous claims or claims which do not allow to identify the User on the basis of the data provided by them during registration, or claims which do not contain the data specified in this paragraph of this Agreement.

7.3 For the purpose of solving technical problems in defining fault of the User in the result of their unauthorized actions while using the Internet network and the Website, the Company shall have the right to independently involve competent organizations as experts. In case the fault of the User has been established, the latter shall reimburse the costs of the expert examination.

7.4 If the Parties fail to reach agreement through negotiations, the dispute arising out of this Agreement shall be considered in the court of general jurisdiction at the location of the Company.

8. Other terms and conditions

8.1 This Agreement comes into force upon acceptance of this offer by the User and is concluded for an indefinite period.

8.2 The provisions of this Agreement are established, modified and cancelled by the Company unilaterally without prior notice. At the moment of posting the new edition of the Agreement on the Website the previous edition shall be deemed to be null and void. In case of essential change of provisions of the present Agreement the Company informs Users about it by placing the corresponding message on the Website.

8.3. If the User does not agree with the terms of this Agreement, he shall immediately delete his Profile from the Website, otherwise, continuation of using the Website by the User means that the User agrees with the terms of the Agreement.